Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Precis #2: Gee and the Nature of Discourse
“We all have many Discourses,” claims Gee in his article, “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics (526). This statement is decidedly true. I myself have a myriad of Discourses if you consider the breadth of what Gee considers to be Discourses. For example, I am a student of literature, I am an American, I am a woman, etc. With the idea that what we claim ourselves to be, what our immediate identity is at the moment, how are we to categorize and explain these many Discourses in a sensible way. Gee has presented to us his explanation and example of exactly how to do this.
Initially Gee explains the basics of a Discourse: “A Discourse is a sort of “identity kit” which comes complete with the appropriate costumes and instructions on how to act, and often write” (526). With this individualism between Discourses firmly cemented into our minds Gee must now delve further into defining each Discourse or, discourse. First we are broken down to decipher the differences between primary and secondary Discourses. The primary describes an initial learned Discourse that branches from the family and extends to our later interactions with anyone we become intimate later in life with. The secondary Discourse can be described as one we acquire once we have branched from our families, once we enter churches, schools, or community groups (527).
Then we must decipher between dominant and non-dominant discourses, which Gee considers to be secondary Discourses. These dominant/non-dominant discourses are concentrated on the acquisition of goods. While the dominant is used to acquire necessary and social goods, such as money and status, the non-dominant focuses on finding comfort and protection in a single social network (528).
By focusing on and defining the different levels of discourses, Gee can continue to explain the purpose of discourses in language and literacy. For without the Discourses that everyone contains the process of explaining literacy is unable to be done. We must first fully understand our own Discourses and others to explain there interaction with each other, in order to define literacy.
Auto 5: Discourse Shifts & Level of Verbal Formality
On level three I find my friends. These are my friends outside of college; the ones I have known for years or simply never discuss scholastics with. Even on this level though, I find a discourse difference between each friend, which may also comment of the education level of the individual I am speaking with. My closest and longest friend of 13 years, Vanessa, seems almost to be at a 3.3 level. While Vanessa and I are close we find little to talk about outside of daily life due to the fact that after High School I went straight to college, and she chose to work and eventually start her own family. Another friend of mine named Kyle seems to be at a 3.6 (I have only known him for roughly 5 years). He also has not attended college, but is an avid reader and is constantly interested in learning. Due to this I relate to him on a closer level intellectually than with Vanessa. My last close friend is Derek, whom I have only known for about 2 years. I would probably rate my discourse with him at a 3.9. His own discourse is what elevates my own, I believe. Derek is a very proficient speaker, and his speech is extremely honest and blunt. This is something that I consider a quality, for I am blunt myself. It is interesting to note that Derek has also attended some college in his life, which is more than either of my other close friends. Do I intend my oral discourse to be determined by a level of education? Of course not, for both my boyfriend and mother have higher levels of education than any of my friends. Apparently though, when it comes to my friends (who I do not live with), there is an obvious subconscious level of change where I determine my level of informality and formality based on education.
Level four I reserve for my fellow peers in school and if I was currently working, probably my co-workers. With these people I find myself needing to meet there level of discourse, and for that reason I level them fairly high for I feel I need to be more formal in order to do so. At the highest level of formality (5) in my oral discourse I categorize my speech with professors, bosses, and individuals at a school in which I am observing at. As I stated before my voice deepens and becomes clearer with the elevation of formality and at level five I am very clear and concise. I find it interesting to note that my discourse lies on the most basic level of hierarchy: family, friends, peers, and professionals; but that also (with the exception of family) I subconsciously classify my discourse based on the assumed level of education with the person I am speaking with.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Response to Brandt
Your precis on Brandt was very informative. When I initially heard her term of "sponsor"I thought the essay would explore the motivations that push people toward literacy. I was surprised to learn that there is more to sponsorship. It can open doors and also closed doors. Her essay talked about the need for people in the workforce to gain literacy.
Negotiation; Autobio 6
The variables that seem to most influence my shifts in discourse include the person I am negotiating with and the sensitivity of the topic. Negotiations I have mostly occur orally and if it is written it is in the form of email, instant messaging, texting, or leaving comments on facebook.com.
Towards my younger sister and my mother, members of my family whom I most closed to, I express my feelings or complaints first regarding the subject and then proceed to work out a plan. Even if the negotiation is as trivial as the order in which we hit the stores in the mall we still consider anyone’s preferences but mother has the final say. In matters between my siblings, no matter how we feel against a decision, we usually listen to the eldest sibling’s decision. Formalities are not necessary within the family, but I feel obliged to keep some formality when I negotiate with my father. At times I don’t think I want to even try negotiating with him in fact I don’t think “negotiate” is the right word. My mother and I have this tactic where we make him believe he came up with the plan originally but we had laid some foundation for the result we intended. That tactic is usually involves exhausting every and any logical and reasonable argument before resorting to pathos.
In negotiations with cohorts and peers, I find that is best to begin saying something to the extent of “If it’s alright with you” because it seems to be the best way to get started with group projects. I never like to assume the leadership role unless I feel there is a pressing need for it. Having many experiences with class group work, I find it very annoying when someone suddenly becomes the “boss” when there was no instruction to assign one. Some people are happy to follow a good leader and some people would rather do the group assignment individually as much as possible.
In all cases where negotiations are made I always try to keep in mind ways to approach people with maximum respect. Even if it’s a child or someone much younger than me, people are more likely to abide with the stipulations of the negotiation if they feel respected. I try to make an effort to consider the perspectives and feelings of those involved as much as possible.
Monday, February 16, 2009
AutoBio #5- Literacy Interaction
What’s most appealing to me is that all of us interact with oral and written communication on different levels. For example, a teacher may be equally bound to using both oral and written literacy within the classroom whereas a real estate agent needs to show the upmost friendly and social communication skills to make a sale. At home, my language usage is more informal than it would be at work, school, party, dinner table, etc... thus, social community matters. For example, it’s unavoidable to quarrel (goof around) daily with my brother at home where bad words and tricks are exposed. In contrast, I talk more formally (with more respect) to my sisters and parents. I’ve come to realize that literacy is integrated and needed for human survival. We are all active participants and connected in this literacy world.
Deborah Brandt: Sponsors of Literacy
In the world of literacy during the mid-nineteenth century, there came to life, the inventions of what is called steam press which reorganized the economy of print industry. This new form of mass printing brought an end to certain potentials in literacy as well as different kinds of literacy sponsorship. Throughout the fluctuation of time and generations, literacy has been traced as both rising and falling with each new wave of new technologies and ideas. There is an attempt to connect literacy as an individual development with literacy as an economic development. This approach is known as sponsors of literacy, with the idea that “sponsors” are tangible reminders “that literacy learning throughout history has always required permission, sanction, assistance, coercion, or at a minimum, contact with existing trade routes” (556). The concept of sponsors is used to clarify human relationships and ideological pressures that arise from the world of literacy. Literacy sponsors affect learning by organizing such systems that create opportunity and access, and they raise the bar of literacy, in struggles for competitive advantage which makes things more complimentary for the average individual.
Brandt uses two cases as examples of “literacy diversion.” Both of the narratives used are the stories of woman who both work “in subordinate positions as secretaries, in print-rich settings where better-educated male supervisors were teaching them to read and write in certain ways to perform their clerical duties” (568). Both of the women took what they were exposed to at work, and diversified it to help them with personal aspects of their life. Carol white took the idea of Anecdotes from her boss, and began creating her own colorful anecdotes to do door-to-door missionary work as a Jehovah’s Witness. Sarah Steele explained how she began to model her very own household finances after the attorneys of whom she worked with. The picture being painted is a pattern of how such opportunities for literacy acquisition open up a kind of clash between old and new sponsorships, and between “the lingering presence of literacy’s conservative history and its pressure for change” (570).
It seems after reading and understanding all the theories of literacy learning among all classes, that this idea of a “sponsor” plays an even larger role throughout the entire realm of literacy and language. The essay breaks this concept down, and explains the histories behind, and even gives specific examples, however, there seems to be a great deal that has not yet been mentioned. Such as the professional writer who is struggling to publish. How does a writer connect his/her private world with that of the public realm and create material that is both culturally and socially acceptable? There are hundreds of oppositions that must be adequately balanced in the world of literacy.
Week 6-autobio
Another important kind of shifts in communication takes place within my own household. This year, I rent a room from one of my old assistant coach and his family. They have a 16 month old little boy named Spencer, who has been taught several different signs (of actual sign language) in order to communicate what he wants. He knows the signs for words or phrases such as “Hungry” “more food” “bottle” “bath” and “diaper change”. It is interesting for me to sit and observe Spencer and his mom communicating with one another. Spencer’s mom shifts from speaking verbally, to strictly making the hand gestures in order to help Spencer to have a smooth transition from not being able to speak, to speaking pretty fluently.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
En Los Dos Idiomas
The significance of this study is to acknowledge that learning literacy isn’t just limited to an education. It can just as well be achieved through informal practices. In addition, literacy plays a key role in keeping connections with family members and compadres where trust and commitment are essential in producing learning and teaching among themselves. Furthermore, I can relate to many of these circumstances and experiences because of my family background. My parents are also immigrants who came from a rancho with limited schooling. They had to focus on work to survive. My mother taught my dad letters and numbers and to at least be able to sign his name. In addition, my mother has acquired a lot of the English language informally by just hearing it spoken. It’s truly significant how one is able to learn literacy and use it under any condition.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Harmful Verbal Literacy; Autobio 4
I made one measly mistake in second grade. One mistake the teacher felt necessary to expose to the class. One mistake that resulted with me writing ‘I will not leave my lunch box in front of the door because others may get hurt’ a hundred times. Of course my classmates would not trip over it, but she would the way she stormed through the door. Yes, I can go on about how the details of that day indicate that she had as much blame in my forgetfulness but I will never forget her public verbal tongue lashing. “Who is the irresponsible idiot who left their lunch box here…I could have fallen, I could have gotten hurt, don’t you realize how old I am, how could you hurt your teacher!?” Denying I was the irresponsible idiot was not going to happen, not while my peers were quick to glance at me. I was embarrassed. To talk back and explain myself was simply not an option at seven years old. But nothing stung more than her recognition that the irresponsible idiot was me. You have to realize, before that day I had gained a wonderful academic reputation and I was well liked by teachers including her. It’s like she took all the past compliments, all the proud smiles and acknowledgments back when she said “I am very disappointed in you.” I remember turning in the scribbled pages of redundant torture she asked for and all she said was “I couldn’t believe it was you.” I remember apologizing, but in my heart it was not because of my petty crime, but because I caused her disappointment and she told everyone I was an ‘irresponsible idiot’. With those two words, she lowered my self esteem and condemned me as one of the dumb kids always acting up in class for attention.
AutoBio #4
My focus was on getting any type of available help/programs that would help my mother financially to further proceed with her treatment. I immediately asked for help with programs available , forms and further appointments, as well as a doctor. Day after day I was either calling or completing forms for her to get the immediate help that she desperately needed. I was able to get a state approved cancer program for all of her future medical needs. I realized that although my mother could've gotten help through other means, it would have definitely taken longer and maybe she wouldn't have qualified for the program. I used my literacy skills to act quickly on a very important, personal concern. Thankfully, my mother is alive and doing extremely well. I think this situation futher demonstrates the importance of literacy and how effective it is within our everday lives.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Autobiographical Essay #4: Talking at Two
In retrospect I can see that this system of waiting until I learn the entirety of something has followed me throughout my life. While other students learned lessons, such as a mathematics problem or essay structure, part by part, I absorbed everything until I was sure I could perform the lesson properly. Seeing as to perform mathematics properly you must understand all parts individually prior to a proper completion, I am still not very good at math today. However, essay writing always seemed more fluid to me: there was room for error and revision. Still it was not until I was in my freshman composition class in college that I truly comprehended the essay concept and then I flourished. While my system worked for me in some aspects of my study, it equally did not in others.
It wasn’t until my sophomore year in high school, when I was taking my first psychology class that my mother told me about my insistence on complete sentences as a child. I was quiet pleased when I heard about this; it was cool to think that I waited to speak until I could be properly understood, and it gave my some insight to my dilemma of essay writing at the time. It was helpful to realize that though I didn’t understand the individual purpose for the parts of the essay structure, i.e. introduction, body, and concluding paragraphs, by themselves once I looked at the essay structure as a whole it would click. It did. Once I saw the introduction as not only a paragraph, but a comment for what was to come in the body and as assistance to the conclusion, essay writing became all the more easier. I just had to put purpose behind what I was writing, just like I had to put purpose behind what I was saying as a child.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Autobiographical Essay Five
I have vague memories of attempting to speak, and having my aunt Linda telling me to stop, to think about what I wanted to say. At that point, I knew there was something wrong with the way I spoke. After about the age of 4 ½, my stutter was noticeably fading and I remember hearing my mothers praises for my progression. This was one of the first times in my young life, where I felt assured of my self and abilities to communicate with other human beings. Soon after, my aunt would make comments as to how much I was “growing up” and “talking like a grown-up” which made me feel triumphant in my small world. These memories of feeling accomplished however, are not as vivid in my mind, as were the times when family members (such as my aunt) would tell me to slow down, and remember to think about what I am “trying” to say. These memories of failure are what have stuck with my to this day, as opposed to those short-lived moments of finally feeling accepted into the world of language; at least within my family.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Moss: "Ethnography and Composition: Studying Language at Home"
Beverly J. Moss writes on her experience of doing an ethnography of the African American church, and goes about the tactics and methods in which create a valid collection of analysis on a particular community. Moss was inspired by Shirley Brice Heath's "Ways With Words" and claims "Heaths work validated [her] desire to do research that connected with [her]...because [she] was convinced that finding out what students did outside class was the key to helping them succeed in school" (388). Ethnography essentially is the study of community of people, and how they act, speak, and live in their daily lives. the goal of a successful ethnographer should be to describe a community so that an outsider may understand that community just as a participating community member would. Moss identifies Hymes ideas that ethnography can be broken down into three major categories or inquiries: Comprehensive-oriented ethnography, (which is a way that seeks to describe a total way of life) topic-oriented ethnography (picking only one major focus in a study) and hypothesis-oriented ethnography, which can only be acquired through the use of the two other inquiries of ethnography. Moss claims that generally speaking, ethnography connects with "phenomenological-oriented culture perspective" in the idea that ethnographers can focus on a select number of individuals within a community, and observe what they do and say, so that they can understand below the surface emotions and feelings. Certain methods an ethnographer would create are things such as taxonomies and cognitive maps, and they would need to find a way to gain access to a community, as well as keeping a conceptual framework in mind. A successful ethnographer collects data and analysis's that "consists of recognizing patterns and relationships that emerge from the framework" and the developing it into a coding scheme which transfigures them into categories (391). Moss claimes that one of the most important lessons to be learned from creathing an ethnography is that ones experience is not reproduced through literacy, but must be understood as a narration.
Critical Response: It is insightful to see that many times, ethnographers choose to write on their own community of which they are famaliar, and they are then choosing to re-adjust their mindsets on something which would have otherwise been seen as the norm. These individuals who choose to study their own community must choose to keep an open mind about the community, and must be willing to ask questions without having an immediate answer. With this being said, there seems to be a few flaws in this logic that states such an ethography on one's own community is the hardest to do of all. This can be argued either way, but initially it is understood that the gaining of access or acception of the community has already been accomplished. One of the most interesting ideas on this study of a particular culture or community, is the fact that you must "fit in" or not be noticed, in order to gain unfaltering data. Once a community member notices you, they are at risk of acting differently from how they "normally" would, which could cause other community members to follow the same pattern, which ultimately leads to a set of invalid observations and field notes.
In connection with thinking about literacy, it is interesting to think of your data you collect as a professional ethnographer, should not be a series of notes, or a collection of writing for others to merely read, but it should in fact been seen as a narrative or memoir of your experience among a particular group of people. This idea of literacy can be quite complex and interesting because, when one goes back to tell a "real-life" story, things will always be less accurate of what really happened. This is this interchangable tie between "story-truth" and "happening-truth". what makes a good story, as to what really happened?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Power of Choice
Perhaps it was the fact that I was finally tuned in to what a teacher was saying in class, but I did surprisingly well in English that year. I enjoyed the reading, while always visualizing the novels characters on stage and myself in my favorite role. I began giving presentations on books as if the classroom was my stage and not just a torture chamber. The best part of the class though was the first time I wrote a true research paper. Our teacher told us to choose a person, alive or dead, that we admired and to write a five page paper about them. Being prone to my musical theater obsession, and at that particular time the musical “Chicago”, I chose to write about the shows choreographer, Bob Fosse. I had recently seen a musical based on his dance style, and which was named after him, and I loved it. So I chose to research and write about Bob Fosse, and as I researched two things ran through my mind constantly: (1) My teacher will really enjoy reading my paper, because of our mutual theatrical passion, and (2) I better write a really good paper, because my teacher probably knows more about my subject than I can research about. After all Bob Fosse is one of the top three great names in musical theater choreography, so my teacher was bound to know him.
I researched and researched for this paper, and I must have edited it at least ten times. When I turned it in I had the best grade in the class, and after a final edit (allowed to the class), I had achieved full points on the biggest project of junior year English. I found myself helping my fellow students with grammatical errors and phrasing choices in their essays without knowing what I was doing. My teacher even asked to keep my paper to use as an example in classes he would have for the following years. With the ability to choose my writing topic and a little understanding from my teacher I excelled that year and realized two things: (1) It is okay if I want to be an actor today and later choose to be a teacher, and (2) I really liked the idea of becoming the latter.
Thinking back to my teenage years, I recall a literacy experience which was very satisfying after completing. I was in the 6th grade. I truly enjoyed reading at that time, whether in school or at home. I loved books.This experience is on a book report. However, it wasn't your typtical book report of reading and writing a one page summary and/or response. This involved many steps. First, we had to find and read a book of our choice. Then we had to decorate a brown cardboard shopping bag with handles to emphasize the theme of our book. Inside the bag we had to include three important things that represented the story. I did mine on Little Red Riding Hood. I used red construction paper to cover the bag and added a cut out shape of a little girl's face in the front. I used gold glitter to decorate the title of the book and handles of the bag. Inside the bag I included a small red hood-represent the girl, a small toy wolf to represent the evil and a small basket that represented love.
This was not an easy project for me. However, it has been a very unique learning experience. I felt very proud and satisfied when I completed it. It was even more fun to see the other students' work and decorations. In a way, this activity helped me feel better about myself, in addition to being more creative.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Journals Then and Now (Autobio 3)
To some degree I still write journals attempting to answer the ‘wonder whys’ of my life. Even if no one reads it, writing helps me make sense of my jumbled thoughts. Sometimes I swear I can explain better in writing than with speech. There’s a kind of permanence to writing that can serve as proof or maybe like a map to my past self. Writing helps to preserve memories and we can travel to our old mentalities. I get such a kick out of reading my old elementary, middle school, and high school diaries. I can’t believe the way I saw the world and myself in those days! I’m not ready to share those embarrassing stories yet but they sure are entertaining.
Study the Ethnography of Literacy
Arriving to a satisfactory answer to this question proves to be difficult when you begin to consider the function of literacy to not only the community but to the individual. According to Szwed “it is not enough to know what a language looks like, but one must also know what it means to its users and how it is used by them” (422). Consider the wide distribution of the skill to read and write across all walks of life; everyone has a unique motivation to engage reading and writing. Obviously books offer information but for some they can serve as gifts, decoration, and perhaps status symbols. Furthermore, nearly every social context can feature a specific reading purpose. For example people are more likely to read magazines and newspapers available at a doctor’s lobby or beauty salon. Not only are there different motivations, there are different styles of reading and writing. There are people who speed read and others who actively engage with the text critically (426). Certainly, these different styles will yield different understandings of text. In addition, nearly everyone is familiar with or has invented personal short hand notation. Some abbreviations or acronyms have become so common they are now universally understood. There are many ways to break down literacy but the most important aspect of literacy to consider are the expectations placed on schools for developing literacy.
Szwed, suggests the best way to examine literacy in the scope of academic interest is to understand the “literacy needs of individual students on a day-to-day” basis (427). Ultimately, we should focus our attention on the relationship between school and the outside world.
Good Experiences With Literacy
another said " I have a question about..." and so on. Everytime someone rose their hand to talk, they would place a card face down. We had to place at least 3 cards down by the end of the class discussion, but we were also directed to use these cards wisely (for the students that dominated the class discussions) and we were graded on how many cards we actually used. This helped alot of people come out of their comfort zone and led to a fully-engaged class discussion. This particular memory is meaningful to me because I was one of the students who hardly spoke up, and this was a friendly push for me participate. After I starting participating more, I felt completely absorbed in the material and began to enjoy learning. This event is significant today, because I still find myself struggling to speak up in class discussions more, and I always think back to those 4 colored cards with a starting point on each one.